Introducing SLF: The Driving Force Behind Self Chain

Welcome to a deep dive into SLF, the primary token fueling the Self Chain ecosystem. This blog will explore what SLF is, its diverse utilities within the network, the token specifications, and the procedure for migrating FRONT tokens to SLF.

Introducing SLF: The Driving Force Behind Self Chain

Welcome to a deep dive into SLF, the primary token fueling the Self Chain ecosystem. This blog will explore what SLF is, its diverse utilities within the network, the token specifications, and the procedure for migrating FRONT tokens to SLF.

What is SLF?

The SLF token is the cornerstone of the Self Chain platform, serving as both the primary medium for transaction fees and a key component in securing the network. Developed to enhance user interaction and network operation, SLF is integral to maintaining the blockchain's functionality and economy.

SLF Token Utilities

SLF is not just a digital asset; it is a multifaceted token designed to enhance user engagement and network stability:

  • Transaction Fees: SLF tokens are used to pay for transaction fees, ensuring the Self Chain network remains fast and efficient.
  • Staking and Security: Holders can stake SLF tokens to participate in the network's Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism, which secures the network and validates transactions. 🔗
  • Governance: SLF token holders can vote on key governance proposals, influencing the development and strategic direction of Self Chain.
  • Fee Markets: Users can prioritize their transactions within the network by paying additional SLF tokens, creating a dynamic fee market.
  • Native Collateral: In DeFi applications built on Self Chain, SLF tokens can be used as collateral, facilitating a range of financial services and utilities.

SLF Token Specifications

Here are the key specifications of the SLF token that underline its design and integration into the Self Chain ecosystem:

  • Total Supply: The genesis supply of SLF tokens is 360 million.
  • Token Type: SLF is implemented as a native token on the Self Chain, supporting seamless and energy-efficient transactions.
  • Staking Eligibility: All SLF tokens, irrespective of their lock status, are eligible for staking, encouraging wide participation from the outset.
  • Unlock Schedule: SLF tokens have a phased release schedule that supports long-term network engagement and discourages market oversaturation.

How to Migrate FRONT to SLF

Migrating from FRONT to SLF is designed to be straightforward for holders, facilitating a smooth transition to the new tokenomics of Self Chain.

Here’s how to make the switch:

  1. Prepare Your Wallet: Ensure you have an ERC-20 compatible wallet with FRONT tokens on the Ethereum network.
  2. Access the Migration Portal: Visit the official migration portal at Self Chain Migration.
  3. Connect Your Wallet: Use your wallet to connect to the migration portal, ensuring it’s configured to interact with the Ethereum network.
  4. Initiate the Migration: Follow the on-screen instructions to convert your FRONT tokens to SLF. This process will involve approving the transaction and then executing the migration.
  5. Verify the Migration: After the migration process completes, verify your new SLF token balance in your wallet.



SLF is poised to play a pivotal role in the Self Chain ecosystem, designed to ensure the network remains secure, efficient, and adaptable to future needs. As Self Chain grows and evolves, SLF will continue to offer numerous opportunities for engagement and investment within the network. For users migrating from FRONT to SLF, the process has been simplified to ensure a seamless transition, supporting the long-term vision of Self Chain and its community. Join us on this exciting journey and become a part of the innovative changes shaping the future of blockchain technology.

Remember, engaging with new blockchain technologies involves understanding their mechanisms and potential benefits. As you embrace SLF and Self Chain, you are contributing to a decentralized and secure digital future.

About Self Chain

Self Chain is the first Modular Intent-Centric Access Layer1 blockchain and keyless wallet infrastructure service using MPC-TSS/AA for multi-chain Web3 access. The innovative system simplifies the user experience with its intent-focused approach, using LLM to interpret user intent and discover the most efficient paths.

Self Chain ensures that onboarding and recovery are effortless with keyless wallets that grant users complete self-custody over their assets. In addition, it provides automated rewards to dApps when they efficiently resolve user intent, further enhancing the user experience. Moreover, Self Chain incorporates Account Abstraction with MPC-TSS to provide secure signing and reduce transaction fees. It's a platform that redefines blockchain interaction, making it more secure and user-friendly for everyone.

In a world where blockchain technology is becoming increasingly essential, the user experience remains a critical factor in its adoption. Intents and Keyless Wallets are set to transform the landscape, making blockchain interactions more accessible, efficient, and secure. As we move forward, the blockchain industry has the opportunity to provide users with a seamless and enjoyable experience, unlocking the full potential of this groundbreaking technology.

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