Self Chain Announced as Title Sponsor for ABC Conclave 2023

Join Self Chain at ABC Conclave 2023 for insights into revolutionary keyless wallets and blockchain trends.

Self Chain Announced as Title Sponsor for ABC Conclave 2023

Self Chain is proud to announce its role as the Title Sponsor of the highly anticipated ABC Conclave 2023. This prestigious event is set to take place at the renowned Dubai World Trade Center on October 7th and 8th, 2023.

As the Title Sponsor, Self Chain will play a significant role in contributing to its success. This partnership reflects our commitment to innovation and leadership in the blockchain and crypto space.

Insights from Our Founding Member

Our Founding member Ravindra Kumar will be a featured speaker, sharing valuable insights into the future of keyless wallet infrastructure. With his extensive experience and deep knowledge of the blockchain industry, his presentation promises to shed light on the latest developments and trends in this rapidly evolving field.

Visit Our Booth at Constellation Ballroom.

If you're attending ABC Conclave 2023, make sure to stop by the Self Chain booth. Here's what you can expect to find:

1. Learn About Our Incentivized Testnet: Our experts will provide in-depth information about our ongoing Incentivized Testnet. Discover what it takes to become a Validator and how you can get involved in this exciting program.

2. Explore Keyless Wallet Technology: Get a firsthand look at our revolutionary keyless wallet technology. Our team will demonstrate how it works, its benefits, and how it's changing the landscape of crypto security.

3. Engage with Our Experts: Our booth will be staffed with experts ready to answer your questions, provide insights, and engage in discussions about blockchain, crypto, and the future of digital finance.

Stay Informed

Stay tuned for more updates and details about this exceptional event. Follow us on social media, and subscribe to our blog to ensure you receive the latest news and announcements about ABC Conclave 2023 and Self Chain's participation.

We look forward to seeing you at this prestigious event and sharing our vision for the future of blockchain and crypto technology. Together, we'll explore new horizons and push the boundaries of what's possible in this dynamic industry.

About Self Chain

Welcome to Self Chain, a Layer 1 blockchain designed for trustless, next-generation key management. Self Chain offers a secure infrastructure for keyless wallets and ensures enhanced security and user control through advanced technologies like Multi-Party Computation (MPC) and Threshold Signature Scheme (TSS).

Join us as we shape the future of finance, privacy, and digital ownership. Unlock the true potential of blockchain technology with Self Chain and be part of the decentralized movement.

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