Self Chain Incentivized Testnet 1 | Highlights and Updates

Self Chain Testnet 1 concludes successfully, uniting global validators for a secure, user-friendly blockchain future.

Self Chain Incentivized Testnet 1 | Highlights and Updates

It was a success!

We're thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of the Self Chain Incentivized Testnet 1 program. This initiative, which began on September 20th and ran smoothly for three weeks, marks a significant milestone in our journey toward building a secure and user-friendly blockchain ecosystem.

During the program, we received an overwhelming response with 155 applications from individuals eager to participate in the Incentivized Testnet 1. Your enthusiasm and engagement were truly remarkable, and we appreciate each one of you for taking part in this journey.


To ensure fair delegation and voting power, we distributed 37 million SELF Faucet Tokens during the program. This distribution aimed to create an equitable environment for all participants.

Out of the applicants, 100 active validators distinguished themselves by actively participating in the consensus process. These validators, comprising the active set, played a crucial role in testing the network's security, performance, and reliability.

Alongside them, 55 validators, in the inactive set, continued to run their nodes, contributing to the overall stability of the network.

Testnet Without Borders

Our participants came from diverse corners of the world, showcasing a truly global community engagement.

  • Indonesia has the highest number of participants, with 23 individuals.
  • Ukraine and Vietnam also have significant participation, with 14 and 9 participants respectively.
  • Turkey and Russia have a moderate number of participants, with 7 and 6 respectively.
  • Several European countries like Germany, Poland, and Ireland have multiple participants.
  • There's a wide range of countries represented, from different continents including Asia, Europe, and Africa.

This international diversity added depth to our testing process, bringing a wide range of perspectives and insights.

Selected Participants

We're excited to announce the selected participants, thank you for your contribution!

These validators are chosen based on their active participation during the three weeks of the program.

You can find the list of selected participants here:

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the selected participants for their dedication and contributions. Your efforts have been instrumental in shaping the future of Self Chain. We encourage you to remain actively engaged as we continue to build and refine our ecosystem.

Ongoing Review

In the coming weeks, we will meticulously review all applications and up-times to ensure the validity of participants.

Any changes to the selected participants' list will be promptly announced.

Your Feedback Matters

If you encounter any issues or have valuable feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are committed to addressing your concerns and improving our ecosystem.

We will be actively handling feedback until October 26th, please reach out early.

What's Next?

As we conclude this phase of our journey, we invite you to stay tuned for updates. We have exciting plans in store, and your continued attention and participation will be invaluable.

Once again, thank you for being a part of the Self Chain Incentivized Testnet 1 program.

Together, we're redefining the future of blockchain technology.

About Self Chain

Welcome to Self Chain, a Layer 1 blockchain designed for trustless, next-generation key management. Self Chain offers a secure infrastructure for keyless wallets and ensures enhanced security and user control through advanced technologies like Multi-Party Computation (MPC) and Threshold Signature Scheme (TSS).

Join us as we shape the future of finance, privacy, and digital ownership. Unlock the true potential of blockchain technology with Self Chain and be part of the decentralized movement.

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